The Hub

Do you want to be part of a vibrant learning community?

We have always had schools for kids because learning is usually better together – as a  SHARED LEARNING EXPERIENCE. So what about us adult lifelong learners. Learning can be adhoc, lonely and hard work; but it can also be useful, insightful, practical, challenging, exciting, valuable, fun and life affirming, if we get it right.

Everyday we are bombarded with information and new learning options – how do we make the right choices. In a time scarce world, simply gathering knowledge, insights and tools can make us feel better but, it may just mean more information overload not real learning.

You need to integrate what you learn – going from theory to practice to mastery. If you do not build this into the way you do things , in such busy lives, it will rarely have the right impact. You may just be standing still as life moves on around you.

Our aim is to help you find more meaning, stay relevant and thrive. By help we mean enable, support, curate, synthesise, recommend, coach, educate, motivate, engage, challenge, nurture, co-create and connect. Our philosophy is ‘guide on the side’ not ‘sage on the stage’. Personal and professional growth together because Work^Life is a joined up experience.

The Hub is our homebase and a membership site – a live learning lab for future skills and personal growth.

It is a bit different as we run an annual program of monthly skill builders focused on those in demand soft skills and mindset that matter most now plus a community meeting space plus we encourage/ skill build you to build your own learning tribe plus a personal growth book club plus access to our other paid Skill Builder Courses via the Hikmaty Academy and our Coaching Atrium

… and so much more.

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