Blending in and standing out!

Blending in and standing out!

One career challenge seems to be standing out and yet fitting in.


It can be easier to blend in yet more rewarding to stand out.

STANDING OUT often means showing up and sharing your difference.

Some people embrace difference others do not like it … in others or themselves!

  • It means putting your head above the parapet and saying’Hello World’.
  • It means getting noticed.
  • It means getting out of your comfort zone.

And it means bringing the best version of you to what you do.

Whereas FITTING IN is about joining in.

Some people prefer to be part of something and blend in … others find it stifling!

  • At its best it means belonging, finding your tribe, building communities, collaborating and sharing.
  • It means embracing a culture or way of doing things.
  • It means for the greater good.
  • It means finding common ground.
  • It means embracing a collective identity.

We need to recognise it is more than OK

To want to belong and find our tribe with similarities

Where we feel safe and accepted

It is a basic human need.

YET not at the cost of losing that uniqueness

So that we end up living our lives through others.


We need to embrace the best of both worlds

To be that best version and have an impact we need to find our way to fit in and stand out.

You just need to capture the recipe that is UNIQUE YOU and get comfortable with it whilst seeking out communities that embrace and value that UNIQUE YOU. As a non negotiable.


You are comfortable bringing YOU into the community – that is the REAL YOU – THE UNIQUE ONE that is proud of that uniqueness, one of a kind, special person with great talents and gifts to share with the world.

There has never been a better time to do this.

So as I am already unique …

I need to remind myself to celebrate that uniqueness, embrace the differences, share my unique and creative outlook and boldly express that as I say ‘hello world’ knowing that others have got my back.

Thank you.