d.School have done it again!

d.School have done it again!

One of the core skills for the curious and creative Discoverer who is problem solving and opportunity creating is to master Design Thinking principles and build their own toolkit to work with on projects.

When it comes to learning about and using design thinking – initially my go to resource for tools was where the concept came to life – Stanford d.School – with their Design Thinking Bootleg. More recently I included ‘The Design Thinking Playbook’ published by Wiley in my kit.

d.School are back with a great new visually engaging and thought provoking book to add to the toolkit. As Discoverers your new go to resource from them in 2022 is ‘Creative Acts for Curious People – how to think, create and lead in unconventional ways’ by Sarah Stein Greenberg – The Executive Director from Stanford d.School.

This is a wonderful colourful unconventional playbook and learners toolkit. More a dip into than read book – it is a brilliant resource to build those creative discovery skills.

The book contains a series of learning pathways through assignments that build from theory to practice to mastery. The topics include seeing things in new ways, working well with others, make sense of your insights, come up with ideas, build something, tell a compelling story, put your work out there, take control of your own learning, locate your own voice, get out and discover, pick up the pace, slow down and focus, have fun, work towards equity and peer into the future. It then moves on from assignments to tackling a whole project.

If you are not into reading or need an introduction to the ideas – Sarah did a great interview with Chase Jarvis on his Live Show. You can find the hour long interview on YouTube below.

Stanford d.School still provide some great FREE resources to explore the concepts of creativity and design further including that original bootleg guide. Go take a peek!