Mind Cafe Edition 1 – Clarity

Mind Cafe have launched their new print magazine.

There is something exciting about first editions – the promise of the new and maybe finding something special. I found Mind Café as a publisher on Medium. Mind Cafe is a fast-growing self-improvement publisher and curator, committed to distributing high-quality personal development content with the help of their partnership with, Medium. It is Mind Cafes mission to spread their message to as many people as possible on living a good life – to create a force for change by educating individuals worldwide on how to live better, more fulfilling lives.

Medium is my daily brain food snack – filling that gap to learn something new every day. This new Mind Café publication is more like an indulgent and rewarding  long hot soak in the bathtub. Brain food for times when you can muse, reflect and learn in a more relaxed way. It has a quality feel (great paper) and is definitely a good addition to the coffee table reading pile – if that is your thing. If it is not your thing – it is still a good read with 132 pages of inspiring articles by bestselling authors featured on Medium, wonderful quotes, beautiful photography and great insights for you to learn about yourself.

Each edition is themed, and Edition 1 is on Clarity. The aim of this edition is:

to teach you how to cultivate mental clarity, how to unfog the lenses and see life for what it truly is.

I particularly enjoyed the Breadcrumbs of life by John Weiss that explored the value of small rather than big moments in life. And the article about how Mind Café came to be through adversity and what it stands for – was emotional, insightful and educational for me as I relaunch Hikmaty. It also highlighted a valuable life lesson, that is very relevant right now, on looking out for others who are going through tough times.

There are also short articles on meditation, selfcare, presence, time, monotasking, philosophy, adversity, seeing, kindness, nature, simplicity, confusion, change, mental clarity and more. Plus there is an interview with Brianna West on personal development. The content style is thought provoking, insightful and yet very simple. Congratulations and good luck with your new venture Mind Cafe.

Mind Cafe Edition 1 – Clarity

How to get hold of the first edition

You can find out more about the Magazine and read a few of the sample articles here. It is printed in the UK and the purchase price is £11.99 if you buy one edition and £10.99 each if you sign up for 3. It is published every 3 months. Postage is extra. I recommend you take a look at this interesting read as I think Mind Cafe has a bright future and could help you have one too.


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