The world’s best value in personal development education (Michael Gelb)

Jilli at Hikmaty Agrees. I would recommend OPTIMIZE.ME to everyone who wants to seek out the most important and effective personal growth information that is really going to help in their lives.

Hikmaty aims to help you unlock your potential by signposting you to great learning and skill building resources on the web. There is so much information available we seek to save you time and money by helping you find the best resources on 21C topics and reviewing them for you. OPTIMIZE.ME is a great starting point for your personal development library – it is a library of quality resources – in how it is delivered, the learning design, the videos, the worksheets, the Philosophers Notes, the site/ app and the learning community.

I have been on a learning journey with Brian Johnson of OPTIMIZE.ME since he originally released the first 100 Philosophers Notes way back when! I have always admired his work. I still have the A4 file crammed with 100 notes that were part of that first program. I have bought the content of this site as it has been launched, and then joined this community as the business developed. I do not regret that I bought this wisdom in so many forms over the years because it has delivered great content, taught me lots and  helped me achieve my goals. It has also given me insights into so many great thinkers books that I have then gone on to read. The way he distils the gems found in the enormous amount of optimal living material out there has made him one of my absolute favourites. The podcast is also great as it makes his work more accessible, as are the 30 minute interviews. You have the benefit of taking a monthly or yearly membership and getting all these amazing personal development resources in one place. They also offer an awesome Coaching Program.

Want to be the best? by Brain Johnson Founder of Optimize


Brian Johnson is the Founder and CIA (Chief Inspiration Officer) of OPTIMIZE.ME. He seeks to study, embody and teach the fundamentals of optimizing while helping people create their best their lives. He founded OPTIMIZE.ME when he could not find any personal development resources that met his needs – so he went on a deep intellectual learning journey with the aim of developing something meaningful, practical and useful from it. From this emerged Philosophers Notes and then OPTIMIZE.ME. Prior to this he was a successful entrepreneur who raised $10million to build, scale and sell two social platforms. He now lives just outside Austin, Texas with his wife Alexander and 2 kids, Emerson and Eleanor. This is important because the business and the man are values led. His world view, history, life, learning journey, tribe and family moments define how he delivers the OPTIMIZE.ME brand and give it much of its appeal. He is driven, it is his calling and he is a great thinker so you can sign up to borrow his brain!


OPTIMIZE.ME comes from the Latin ‘optimus’ which literally means ‘the best’. It aims to integrate ancient wisdom, modern science and practical tools across a diverse thread of topics including nutrition, psychology, business and peak performance – to help you become the best you can be. It is a membership site and a coaching program available via the web and through an App.

What is on offer?

You can some free great resources on the website and check out:

  • The OPTIMIZE Podcast on iTunes
  • the OPTIMIZE You Tube Channel with 5 minute Daily +1’s, 30 minute OPTIMIZE Interviews and samples of other OPTIMIZE work.

Brian Johnson also wrote the book ‘Philosophers Notes’ in which he shares his 100 favourite BIG ideas for creating an optimal life. It is available to buy from Amazon and Audible; or you can get it as a free download if you take a monthly membership.

The OPTIMIZE.ME Membership Site – fun, inspiring and practical

This is the introduction to Brian Johnsons life work and learning journey. He has a great team supporting him to develop these ideas into fun, inspiring and practical learning resources. It gives you access to some amazing personal development resources to optimize your life:

  1. 600+ Philosophers Notes (PNs) The best ideas from the best 600+ optimal living books. These are so much more than book reviews and definitely not summaries. They are Thinkers Guides to books in 6-page pdf’s or 20-minute MP3’s to read/ watch on the web or an App.
  2. OPTIMIZE 101 Classes – Over 50 Masterclasses on Optimal Topics led by Brian or other Leading Experts. They are listed individually as MASTERCLASSES and grouped as WISDOM PACKS under 9 headings: Big Picture, Productivity, Mental Toughness, Energy, Happiness, Relationships, Wisdom, Service and Bonus Goodness. Individual 101 Masterclasses include: Masterpiece days, Meditation Habits,   Purpose, Optimal Business, Optimal Sleep, Peak Performance, Optimal Nutrition, Energy, Stoicism, Productivity, Conquering Cancer, Movement, Learning, Optimal Breathing, Self-Care, Positive Psychology, Confidence.
  3. 1,000+ PN Daily +1’s – Videos from Brian with 3-5 minute micro-lessons that can be incorporated into your daily life, whilst on the go.  If you like tiny chunks of daily information and thoughts to ponder on – it’s for you! See the clip above.
  4. Bonuses – Whilst the 101 OPTIMIZE Interviews are on YouTube you get a complete library of all 130, to view direct from the site, plus downloads of the Philosophers Notes book
  5. A Learning Community – create your profile and connect with other learners.

What does it cost for the OPTIMIZE.ME Membership?

It is currently $250 ($399 usually) for Lifetime Membership, $95.88 for yearly Membership and $12.99 for Monthly Membership. You can also take advantage of a two-week free trail to the membership site before you buy.

Why do we recommend OPTIMIZE.ME Membership?

  • Building a reading habit – the 600 Philosophers Notes are a great place to start expanding the topics that you read about. Not a book summary more a book thinking tool/ discussion document – hopefully, that will motivate you to seek out the book or audible recording.
  • Learning to learn – A lot of personal development tools and programs cover the basics well. OPTIMIZE.ME does this too but it goes way further and much deeper; to integrate learning and knowledge into wisdom – so that you live what you learn.
  • The Format + T People – The learning is presented in bite sized chunks, with several easily accessible formats available . An initial look gives you the breadth of knowledge to grasp the topic and a deep dive gives you the expertise to master it. In a modern 21C T shaped world that is really useful to skill build.

Who will it help?

  • People who love quality personal development tools on hand and a community who actively think forward in these topics.
  • People keen to be best they can be who like practical yet thought provoking tools to get there.
  • People who are not motivated, or do not have the time to read books, but want to or at least find a means to gain knowledge quickly.
  • People who want to improve their lives but do not know where to start.
  • Dudes who are into peak performance training.
  • Cancer patients – Brian did a lot of work in finding wisdom when his brother was diagnosed with Cancer. Some great Philosophers Notes are available that summarize and give pointers to additional learning and there are some Masterclasses on Conquering Cancer.

The OPTIMIZE.ME Certified Coaches Mastery Program – Master Yourself

This gold standard learning experience launches a couple of times a year. The next enrolment is January 2021 and it is a significant yearlong 300-day commitment to your learning journey and personal development. Providing you with all the resources to step into the next best version of yourself.  I did a Masters (MSc)  in Change Agency and I think they have similar mantras – You live it to learn it! Over 7 energising experiential Modules you take theory to practice to mastery – where they will  ‘systematically help you operationalize your wisdom’. There is also a guest faculty of Luminaries to support your learning journey by topic (including Cal Newport, Mark Divine, Scott Adams, Phil Stutz, Michael Bungay Stanier and Donald Robertson). There are a huge number of resources available to you so whatever your learning style you will find what you need to learn effectively and a learning community to do it with.

Brians's Life Work is the OPTIMIZE Mastery Program

It is aimed at Life Coaches and individuals, who seriously want to build their optimal life and consistently deliver the best version of themselves. It is a significant commitment – you have to put in the effort weekly to make it work – time, energy, courage and grit! You are supported by an Optimizing Buddy and if you want to do it with a friend or partner – they can be your buddy, if you want to work together. Over 2,000 people from 70 countries have done the program and the scientific research, the narrative and testimonials suggest it delivers results.  I have not done the coaching program yet – it is on my MUST list, but not at the top – so hopefully, I will get to it in 2021.

What does in cost for the 300-day Coaches Program?

They are committed to giving you ‘the most for the least’. It is astonishing value for money at an investment of $1000 plus there are monthly instalment payment plans.  Also if you do it with a partner or friend the cost together is $1800.

Who will it help?

  • Choosing Life Mastery – The opportunity to discover who you are and who you are capable of being – then defining and using the gap to unlock your human potential. So that you can step into the next best version of yourself and do your best to self-actualise it.
  • Quality Content with theory to practice to mastery – at Hikmaty – learned and applied knowhow is wisdom. The practical design of this program moves from thinking to doing to deliver results. Wisdom is at the core of the approach and the testimonial’s show this so well.
  • Certified Life Coaching – either certified skills and tools to master your craft as a Life Coach, that you can use to promote your services or new skills to enhance your current work, build your T and provide different career options for the future.
  • 2021 Reinventors and Refreshers – this is the big self-mastery commitment and you need to be in the right space to get the most from it. You have come through 2020 questioning who you are, what value you bring to the world and what is next and now you want answers. You will have already acquainted yourself with the OPTIMIZE.ME Membership Library and like the style of learning offered. This is then the dramatic action to show you are serious. You will be designing and building the life you are capable of living rather than settling. It is a 100% commitment to thrive rather than survive in 2021 – you are fully committed to being the next best version of you!
  • Practising Life Coaches – Being the best version of who you can be must be the starting point for the Life Coach as an authentic role model. I think this is a sensible investment for an ‘Optimizing Life Mastery’ Toolkit to support your coaching work and your own personal mastery. As long as you can commit to put in the work and apply what you learn.



I mostly talked about Brian but I recognise there is a quality team behind the scenes supporting what he does and world class experts helping deliver the masterclasses. OPTIMIZE.ME is whole life learning to master every aspect of your life – I recommend you take a two week free trail to the membership library to check out the resources for yourself. Go to OPTIMIZE.ME to sign up.


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  • FREE WEBINARs  on key career trends with specialist interviews and  HIKMATY GRID  transferable skill builders.
  • ONCE YOU PURCHASE A PROGRAM you also get access to our PRIVATE Hikmaty Tribe Members Club – for a fresh learning experience.