What is the power skillset that matters most now?

What is the power skillset that matters most now?

Your 2022 Career Boost is coming!

 Our NEW Career Boost Program is about reigniting your career fast with the power skillset that matters most now! That is it matters to you and employers.
It begins on October 17th.
It is for ambitious early to mid career professionals who find their career stalling and know they need to refresh, reignite or reinvent their career.
Or for those who are doing ok, but know they have way more to give to maximize their potential by levelling up their skills and getting noticed more.
Come join us to learn the in demand power skillstack to give you the edge, that employers want you to have now – so you can THRIVE today and transform yourself for tomorrow.
We are doing an introductory Webinar – book your spot here
The Challenge
We  all get that new normal means we are working under way more pressure, with uncertainty and less job security. It can be stressful but we know we need to keep up.  
However  the volatility and pace of change is unprecedented – so it may mean  whilst you are doing lots you don’t seem to be making enough progress.  And you are not sure if you are doing the right things to set yourself  up to win.
There seems to be too much emphasis on surviving the week rather than building a thriving work^life.
And  if that was not enough we now seem to be heading into a downturn and inflation is going crazy!  And these things have a way of shaking things  up even more – so you have to increase your value by learning new stuff, adapting and growing or be prepared to be challenged even more. 
There is so much noise, too much to do and so little time to focus on the  valuable stuff. It makes you a bit anxious and overwhelmed and you totally get that’s not the space to solve this. So you move on…
You are ambitious  for your future. You know you are capable and have so much more to offer and settling for survival cannot be your way forward. You want  success on your terms, you are willing to put in the hard work and be an asset to the team but you want to know you are making real progress and it is worth it. 
Plus you want to increase your options, identify some plan B’s and find some of those opportunities everyone else is talking about. 
You  made a major investment in your education but since then it seems to be more sporadic; and about others and their agendas. You want to succeed and build the life you  want to live but the here and now is making that a distant dream.
If you want things to get better – you need to get better and build a new skillstack that gets you from where you are now to where you want to be.
You know you can learn to adapt faster, navigate change and manage yourself better to reduce the overwhelm and pressure. 
And you can get more creative in differentiating and promoting YOU to increase your options and opportunities .
These are the skills employers want you to have – so come get them!
What if you took charge and invested in your career as an investment in a NEW YOU?
You may have seen that employers are putting a lot more emphasis on soft skills as determinants of professional success rather than technical proficiency and knowledge – which is almost taken as a given.
You can keep yourself fresh, stay relevant, make yourself more employable and recession proof by building these in demand power skills to show you can adapt, get the job done, communicate well and problem solve. And they travel with you when you change your role.
Here is the opportunity for a bold start on the path to success, on your terms  – with a career boost!
This  program is your shortcut to turn things round, liven things up, get your career on track, give you more confidence and unlock that untapped potential.
Whilst your skills and expertise are important – levelling up on the new in demand skillstacks sets you apart. It is for those who are willing to invest the time and resources to get to the next level and beyond – to step up and stand out. 
This is the skillstack that helps you thrive now, plus you can take it with you and build upon it as you progress. When I say skillstack I mean – skills, mindset, atrributes and principles.
We have done the work in identifying those key ‘thrive’ career soft skills and how they work best together. Giving you the recipe and ingredients so that you can learn and begin to embed them with one career booster shot.
If you have between 10 to 40 years of your career ahead of you – career boosts will become regular events – we are starting a trend – this is a new opportunity to be a pathfinder not a spectator!
Your  employer may offer you career training opportunities but not like this  … as an action focused 12 week career boost within a live lab learning  community of likeminded yet diverse individuals to motivate and challenge you!
Career Boost  will guide you on how to leverage your strengths, level up fast and  focus on the right things to get you noticed more.
  • How to set yourself up to win so that you know WHO you need to be to maximize your potential.
  • How to adapt so that you thrive under pressure and can navigate uncertainty with determination and poise.
  • How to differentiate YOU so that you stand out as EXTRAordinary and highly employable.
  • How to be the productive deliverer so you add value and have the impact you need to make a difference.
  • How to promote YOURSELF so you develop a reputation and energy that gets you noticed more.
It  covers the WHAT and WHY but more importantly – it is very practical as  it focuses on HOW to do it and WHO you need to be to make your career  work for you. So if you have stalled or want to step up to the next level – now is the  time to take action!
The program is designed based upon a recipe of ‘what makes online programs work best for participants?’. The ingredients – regular shots of learning supported by projects, challenges to take you out of your comfort zone with the support you need, a sprint to embed the learning, feedback from others, live events, Q & A’s, a live lab for our learning community hub, learning buddies and accountability. Plus individual coaching if you want it. We provide the ingredients you learn to choose what works best for you.
It starts with 6 learning modules delivered weekly focused on these  objectives, supported by a private online communinty – that live learning  lab with regular live Q&A’s and group coaching calls.
And it concludes  with the accountability of a 5 week SPRINT within the Community to  provide momentum for you to take action, embed new habits, unlock your  potential and finish the year strong!
So you go into 2023 having  levelled up, with a fresh optimistic outlook and the thrive power skillstack to  make next year your best so far.
Isn’t it time you invested in you and your future success?
The  last decade I have studied and built capabilities around those future  skills (or as Mckinsey calls them ‘Power Skills’) that make a difference  to people’s careers. I could see what was emerging as megatrends and  world events reshaped our working lives. 
With the level of change we  are experiencing Government’s could have been upskilling their  populations to help them meet the challenges earlier and help them  thrive. This is now too big to solve that way. I wanted to do  something about it.
I have coached early and mid career professionals to  use these skills to differentiate themselves and get the opportunities  they want and deserve. We all need to own this and take responsibility  for our own future success. I wanted to offer  this to opportunity to more people within a learning community – so here I am. 
This is so  much more than a project for me – it is my passion and moonshot linked  to my purpose. The course is designed with me as the ‘guide on the side’  not the ‘sage on the stage’ – it is very interactive and  focused on your learning to deliver results for you.
This  program is designed around the skills wanted by individuals and in  demand by employers right now – so that it is practical, relevant and  can have a real impact.
It is not a quick fix but more about becoming who you need to be and planting  seeds for a bountiful harvest. I recognise building specific complimentary stacks is better than an adhoc approach on learning power soft skills – they work together so learn them that way.
This ‘THRIVE’ skill stack is the foundation program to set you up to win!
It is action oriented especially with the  sprint so there will be some quick wins to keep you motivated but that  is not what this is about. It will give you a new map and the momentum  to move forward with your career with a skillstack that gets you noticed more. And the real learning goes on in the workplace applying the new knowledge and tools – so that is where it focuses.
This is your investment in you as a commitment to maximize your potential. (And because it is career  related you might even be able to get your employer to pay towards it). 
What is the nest step?
An introductory chat with me at the Webinar about these skills and the program – click on the link below to grab your spot.
Do register even if you cannot make the sessions because then you will get a recording to review.
Isn’t it time you invested in YOU and your future success?